Saturday, October 3, 2015

Dresser Redux

It's finally blog-thirty again! I've been so, so, so busy the last few months but haven't documented a whole lot. I knew this project would be worth snapping some before and afters, though! Baby boy is due to make his appearance sometime this month and I'm kicking into high gear to finish up the nursery. One major missing piece was a dresser for all those adorable onesies. Down in the garage we had one of Mr. B's old chest of drawers collecting dust. It was well-made but outdated and I wasn't sure if we'd ever do anything with it. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Ridiculously Easy "Cheesecake"

When Mr. B casually asked me the other night, "Are you still blogging?", I felt a twinge of guilt as I realized I've pretty much stopped. Life gets crazy when you have a toddler and a new home and a baby on the way but I'm no different than the gazillion other women out there keeping up on their blogs and besides, it's is a great outlet and something I want to do. So, this morning, I decided to stop stalling and blog, even if it's just a quick recipe.

I know, the chocolate chips have "bloomed" and would look so much prettier if they were out of a fresh bag but I was working with what I already had in my pantry and what I already had happens to be a giant Costco sized bag of chips that will probably take me a year to use up!
Last night, while Mr. B was putting baby girl to bed, I got hit with a serious sweet tooth! Normally, I would just have some Oreos or a bowl of ice cream and call it good but I was feeling creative. I ended up making one of the easiest and tastiest desserts I've had in awhile and it was all from things I found in my pantry! Added bonus, I was finished making it by the time he came back downstairs.

 So, if you want to whip up something yummy and rich and be eating it in no time, try this out!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Arm Chair Refresh

I'm so excited to finally be posting this! It's always nice to finish something that's been on the back burner and this project was no exception. Over a year ago, I came across some vintage chairs on Craigslist. I loved their shape but they were a funky avocado green color. I mean, it wasn't awful but it definitely wasn't what I wanted for the long haul. I thought since I could buy the chairs for a pretty good price, I would reupholster them to my liking and be done with it, NBD!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Vintage Ficks Reed Sofa

Happy 2015, friends! Now that the rush of the holidays is over, I can finally sit down to blog. It's been a pretty crazy season and I'm happy to be in the new year. I realize how long it's been since I last wrote, we weren't even in our new house (!!), but I've had lots of little projects going here and there and need to just write about them already! I figure my sofa flip is as good a place to start as any.