Monday, June 11, 2012

New Camera!!!

Soooo excited! We finally got a new camera. No more blurry, half-focused shots! Mr. B splurged and got me the Canon Rebel T3i and I'm uber excited to get shooting! I will say that learning how to use a "real" camera, vs. the old point and click, has been an interesting challenge. I mean the thing comes with a small novel of a manual AND an instructional dvd but it's all worth it for you lovely people and your viewing pleasure! Here are a few pics I took around the house.
Yay for great pictures!
I hope you all will enjoy the blog a little more now that you can SEE what I'm blogging :)

1 comment:

  1. So jealous of your new camera. I've been wanting the same one . . .I think you're my newest best friend☺
