Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Baby Shower

My bestie is having a baby!!! Mrs. S is pregnant with a little boy but that's not the end of the story. Mrs. S has also had a really rough pregnancy and was on bed rest for 10 WEEKS. That's two and a half MONTHS flat on her back, not leaving the house except for doctor's appointments! Oh but wait, there's more. She also has a toddler to take care of, her hubby started a new job AND they moved, all while she was on bed rest. Are you kidding me? That is more that any woman should have to deal with in one summer. Well, thank the good Lord, she made it to 36 weeks and is off bed rest and the lil guy is staying put... for now :)

Mrs. B & Mrs. S 
I love Mrs. S, she was the Matron of Honor in my wedding and she is just an all around amazing woman! Since she doesn't have any family close, I wanted to throw her a shower. I had visions of grandeur for this thing, I mean it was going to be HGTV worthy! I also had my pinterest addiction to prod me along. I wanted it to be an epic event for Mr. & Mrs. S. And then I realized I am only Mrs. B, not Martha Stewart and trying to take on every detail I wanted to include might be the end of me. That being said, with the help of the Misters, Mrs. S' awesome parents and an amazing sister, we were able to put on a pretty respectable little shin-dig. We had BBQ'd mini hot dogs, potato salad, hummus, fruit salad, chocolate covered strawberries, cupcakes, whale shaped rice krispy treats, electric blue lemonade, regular lemonade, and seasonal brews. Along with the food, we set up Bocce Ball and Cornhole for the adults and had goodie bags for the kiddos stuffed with stickers, crayons, bubbles and custom coloring books. The weather was amazing and there was a great turnout. I hope it was a memorable day for Mrs. S and I feel so honored to have been a part of it!

Setting up for lunch.  

Homemade Hummus... really close up. I learned that Mr. B, who was on photog duty, LOVES to take pictures in macro mode. This is great for detail, unfortunately you may have to be told what it is you're looking at from time to time. LOL
Delish Electric Lemonade! And HOW CUTE is Mrs. S in the background???
The "milk" bottles.
Homemade rolls for the mini hot dogs... which somehow I managed NOT to get a picture of. SMH!
Nautical centerpieces
German chocolate cupcakes with coconut cream filling, purchased from a co-worker who should really quit her job and do cupcaking full time. To. Die. For.

The BELLY!!! Could there be a cuter prego belly? 

Somebody LOVES chocolate covered strawberries!

Enjoying the kiddie grab-bags! 

Mr. B in his second trimester...
The BEAUTIFUL Tiffany's coffee cup that was one of my Hostess gifts.
Mr. & Mrs. S and the gift I made for Baby Graham.
 And here's how I re-purposed some frames to create one of a kind art for Graham's nautical themed nursery.
I took out the glass and sanded down a couple of frames. 
Bought a couple of spray paints to experiment with...
Nah, too bright...
Just right!

The inspiration came from the shower invites.
I sketched the design on pattern paper.

Cut the designs out of felt. 
I cut cardboard out to fit the frame, used a hot glue gun to attach seersucker fabric to it for my background. For the felt designs, I used tacky glue .


I love how they turned out,  hope Baby Graham enjoys them!!!

1 comment:

  1. Such GREAT work!!! I'm glad Ms.S had a great time and you did an amazing job!!
