Thursday, November 22, 2012


WOW. It's already that time of year again! I feel like someone strapped a rocket to 2012. Seriously, fastest. year. ever.  Well, no denying it, Thanksgiving is here. 

I was really enjoying the fall and felt like October almost lingered but when I heard on the radio "Thanksgiving is a week from tomorrow", I kind of choked. Clearly, if one wants to decorate/plan a menu with any kind of creativity, one must begin the planning process MONTHS in advance. I'm starting to understand why stores put out Christmas stuff November 1! Ok, I still don't approve of it but I get it.

This year, we had a full house. My parents, they're friends, our friends and Willie the Dog make for about a dozen at the B household! We gave thanks for all our blessings, ate, watched football, ate, played Munchkin, ate again, laid around. It was a perfect day. We had SO MUCH FOOD, everyone pitched in and everyone left with some goodies.

I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with love and plenty of food. Remember to take the time to hug your loved ones and be thankful for God's gifts!

The Menu:

Caramel Apple Baked Brie
Homemade Spinach and Artichoke Dip (thanks, Vanessa!)
Veggie Tray (thanks, Ross!)
Gourmet Olives, Marinated Mushrooms
Gorgonzola Stuffed Figs (thanks, Ross!)
Turkey (duh!) Brined and Stuffed with Lemons
Smoked Ham with Glaze
Stuffing with Smoked Oysters and Cranberries (LOVE this stuffing!)
Homemade Cranberry Relish
Sweet Potato Casserole
Sauteed Green Beans
Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Homemade Applesauce
Fruit Salad (thanks Bev!)
Green Salad (thanks, Vanessa!)
Corn Pie (thanks, Vanessa!)
Cheddar Biscuits (thanks, Anya!)
Homemade Pecan, Pumpkin, and Chocolate Pies with Homemade Vanilla Whipped Cream
Homemade Lemon Bunt Cake (thanks, Anya!)

Enjoy our pictures, Happy Thanksgiving!
The prepping

The guys having some quality couch time before gorging themselves

 The beautiful centerpiece my mom created with veggies and leaves

Giving Thanks


The Bird

 Willie the Dog!

 Casualties of Tryptophan...

Just Desserts!