Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Snow Day Cinnamon Rolls

Last week the east coast braced itself for the "SNOWQUESTER". A monster of a storm that was going to dump up to 10 INCHES of snow onto the DC area!! The roads were salted, the store shelves were raided, the government and schools promptly shut down in advance and we waited... and waited... and got rained on... a lot. Ok, in all fairness, it did snow some but it melted as soon as it hit the ground. Alas, the storm was a bust, but the good news was we got a free Wednesday to play hooky!  Having Mr. B home during the week is a treat so I thought I'd splurge and make us a yummy snow day brunch, including some lip smacking cinnamon rolls. The recipe is courtesy of my mama and an old Betty Crocker cookbook. I also made a great scrambled egg dish that I got straight from the ol' noggin, I'll share that as well!

If you're like me, the thought of "whipping up" cinnamon rolls sounds pretty intimidating. Fortunately, this recipe really is that simple!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Baby B's Gender Reveal Cake

A couple weeks ago, Mr. B and I were able to have a 3D ultrasound to find out Baby B's gender! My parents were able to join us and it was a tremendously special moment to be able to share as a family. I resisted the urge to jump on Facebook and announce to the world whether BB was a he or she. Instead, I planned out a little party. We happened to find out the same week as my birthday so that was a second great excuse for a soirée

I looked up ideas for the reveal and decided that I liked the cake cutting surprise best. Basically, your cake is either pink or blue with white icing and when you cut into it, your guests learn the sex! Of course I wasn't going to just go with an ordinary cake, I wanted some pizzazz!!! I scoured the interwebs for inspiration. Well, you know me and ombré, how could I resist?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Updating Grandma's Display Stand

I'm sentimental. I'm nostalgic. I like things that have stories attached to them. Hearing about the desk you found in your great aunt's attic, that belonged to your long, lost relative, who immigrated to the U.S. during the Revolutionary War, is waaaay more interesting than "yeah, I got it at Ikea". But here's the catch, I don't necessarily like how all old things look. Take for example my grandma's display stand. I remember seeing this piece just about as far back as my memory will allow. It was my paternal grandmother's and it fit right in with her style. She must have done the majority of her decorating in the sixties because her house had an abundance of GOLD. I'm talking a look that would make Versailles blush; chandeliers, picture frames, lamps and this display stand...