Monday, March 4, 2013

Updating Grandma's Display Stand

I'm sentimental. I'm nostalgic. I like things that have stories attached to them. Hearing about the desk you found in your great aunt's attic, that belonged to your long, lost relative, who immigrated to the U.S. during the Revolutionary War, is waaaay more interesting than "yeah, I got it at Ikea". But here's the catch, I don't necessarily like how all old things look. Take for example my grandma's display stand. I remember seeing this piece just about as far back as my memory will allow. It was my paternal grandmother's and it fit right in with her style. She must have done the majority of her decorating in the sixties because her house had an abundance of GOLD. I'm talking a look that would make Versailles blush; chandeliers, picture frames, lamps and this display stand...

My grandma was a great lady. Unfortunately, she died when I was only seven, so I didn't get a chance to know her that well, but she did leave me with great memories as well as some fantastic photos that I'll cherish forever.   

My grandma was a babe, not only was she easy on the eyes, she was a total FIRECRACKER. All 4 feet 11 inches of her! Here are a few of my favorite black and whites of her so you can understand why it is impossible for me to get rid of that gold stand!

Grandma and grandpa in the good ol' days. They were high school sweethearts and married for 47 years before my grandma went to be with Jesus. Grandpa totally married up!!

Here she is in Laguna Beach feeding my aunt (could be my dad). Check out those killer arms and that totally chic bathing suit!
This is probably my all time, FAVORITE picture of my grandparents! It just makes me smile.
But here is the Pièce de résistance! After seeing this (in her mind) unflattering picture of herself, my grandma proceeded to write on the back "After a person has been up and had his breakfast, I can understand how he could stand it, but to wake up and see this in bed with you?!" Are you kidding me? Who writes that?! Such a crack up!!!
Maybe that helps you see why I'm not going to just let go of something that reminds me of her. HOWEVER, this doesn't mean that I have to keep her style! With a quick coat of spray paint and a few brushstrokes later, I was able to transform her 60's delight into an updated display piece.

I stripped away some of the fresh paint so that the gold peeked through. I really love how it gave it the "antiqued" look without being dated.
Fun fact: the polka dot vase belonged to my OTHER grandma and it's one of my favorite things!

The moral of the story, don't be so quick to get rid of family treasures just because they aren't your style. Take a second look, with a little imagination, you may be able to re-purpose it into something you love and will pass on to your kids!


Mrs. B


  1. Firecracker!? Well now we know where you got it from! Love this piece!!! Most people don't think to update things to fit their style and end up getting rid of such precious things or end up with a house that doesn't "fit" together trying to keep all the different things from relatives. Definitely a wonderful idea!!!

  2. Bahaha that card is an absolute riot! How cool that you have that! And wow, you look so much like her... especially in that first pic!

    1. Awww thank you!!! I love that I have that picture too and that I finally found a way to share it!
