Have you ever come across a great recipe in an odd place? Well, that's exactly what happened to me. Mr. B had to have a minor sinus surgery (the man had a cyst the size of a walnut, with the shell, inside of his sinus cavity!!!) last week. Yea, I know, this is not the best way to start out a recipe post. Bear with me. At the post-op we were waiting to be called back and the receptionists had the Food Network playing on the lobby tv. Smart move ladies, I'll patiently wait ALL DAY as long as I can get my filmed food fix. Well, Ten Dollar Dinners was on and she was just about to start the dessert when "Mr. B, come on back." Grrrr, foiled by punctual medical staff! We were whisked away and they proceeded to
This recipe did not disappoint. It was easy to make and the cookies actually taste better the next day. That's unusual for cookies. For me, they're at their best right out of the oven. While these were good warm, they were FANTASTIC the next day... when I had them for breakfast.